Vixen is a Supernatural Huntress, one of the main protagonist, and rival to Samara Gilbert in The Huntress. Vixen is also a member of The Salter Family.
Early Life[]
Vixen was born in Salem Massachusetts, and was trained by her mother to fight the supernatural except those that aren't evil. Because of this work ethic Vixen grew up well rounded. At some point in her life she would move to Mystic Falls, Virginia and would be enlisted in The Salvatore School for The Young & Gifted. Shortly after this she would meet Samara Gilbert in 2019.
Becoming a Huntress[]
At the end of her mother's life, and the aid of the shaman, and seven other Shamans Vixen's mother magically transformed her final life, and title with the ritual passed down to her daughter turning her into a Supernatural Huntress with 9 lives.
Throughout The Huntress[]
Vixen displays a high level of intelligence and uses it within combat. Her rivalry between Samara GIlbert led to her own first death (at the hands of Samara) which she was angered about. She seems to respect authority. She became a Huntress at a very young age, meaning that she knows a lot about the supernatural world, among other things.
Physical Appearance[]
Vixen has blue eyes, brown hair, and a petite figure.
Vixen demonstrated that she is very fashionable. She normally wears whatever is aesthetically pleasing to her and does not care what others think or believe in terms of her clothing. She can also be seen wearing Vervain and wolfsbane lace gloves on her hands though this is only when engaging in combat, meaning that she is always battle-ready.
Powers and Abilities[]
- Enhanced Strength: Supernatural Huntresses start off possessing superior strength that makes them stronger than humans but below that of newborn vampires. That said, they are endowed by shamans to grow stronger every time they lose a life. Eventually, their strength appears to be able to match that of even the most ancient vampires in the world as Rayna was able to fight and slaughter many Strix and order members which even warranted Klaus and Darius wary. Their strength also does not falter with old age, even as an old woman, Rayna was able to restrain Bonnie with one hand while attempting to strangle her.
- Enhanced Reflexes: Supernatural Huntresses possess peak-human reflexes. They have demonstrated superior reaction time to those of humans and can dodge offensive attacks and evade strikes from beings with super speed. Rayna was able to wipe out numerous members of the Strix, even catching two of them off guard and immediately killing them. She was also able to shoot several of Julian's vampires, killing them without them even being able to react. Furthermore, more immeasurable feats were produced by Samara, in which she kills Arthur Stevenson as he tries to evade her.
- Immunity to Magic: A Supernatural Huntress's body becomes immune to offensive magic directed at them which seemed to be the work of the Tea of Protection. This is proven when Bonnie tried to use telekinesis on Rayna when the latter attempted to kill her, but to no avail. However, this immunity did not prevent Nora and Bonnie from using a locator spell to find her nor did it hinder a Shaman from transferring her life and abilities to Bonnie. In addition, Rayna could not track Stefan when his scar was blocked by the disruption spell placed on St. James Infirmary.
- Poisonous Blood: Supernatural Huntresses possess blood that is poisonous to witches, even those that are immortal such as witch-vampire hybrids. Pills made from Rayna, Samara, Skylar, and Mia's blood were able to block a witch's power and if taken daily for a period of time it will eventually kill said witch. This fatal effect on witches appear to come from the Huntress's immunity to witchcraft.
- Marking: Supernatural Huntresses possess the ability to mark their victims. Initially, this was done through the Phoenix Sword, allowing Rayna to mark vampires by stabbing them however, it was later revealed that they are also capable of imprinting vampires mentally.
- Tracking: Supernatural Huntresses can sense and track down vampires who have been marked by them.
- Link to Victims: Supernatural Huntresses are linked to the vampires they have marked, giving them an increased urge to find and finish them. This connection can be amplified with concentration, allowing them to see their every move, and feel their every emotion. Once they are down to their last life, anyone still marked by them will die along with them upon their last death.
- Self-Resurrection: Supernatural Huntresses possess the ability to continually resurrect from the dead a depending on their total of lives, similar to users of the Gilbert Ring or almost identical to a Phoenix. Moments after their death, their body spontaneously self-combusts only to reborn from the ashes to the age when they received their abilities from the Shamans, akin to a phoenix rising from the ashes. This was achieved through the self-sacrifice of the Shamans who gave their lives to said huntress with their bodies preserved but each of their deaths cause one of them to decay.
- Longevity: In each of her lives, Vixen ages at a slower rate compared to humans, affording her an extended lifespan.
- Herbs: Certain herbs, when applied as a paste on the scars, can mask the signal that allows a Vixen to find their marked victims.
- Certain Amount of Lives: Vixen only possess a number of 9 lives, and as such will die permanently after expending her final life.
- The Darius Stone and Sword: The Darius Stone and Sword can be used to trap a Vixen herself within. Due to this if she is trapped within the stone she may experience the things other supernatural beings would.
- Mortality: Despite her enhanced physical attributes, Vixen is still human and shares many of the same weaknesses as non-supernatural beings (e.g. age, decapitation, disease, heart-failure, suffocation, etc.) however the huntress becomes reborn from said death.
- Link to their Shamans: Should all of the bodies of the shamans (and her mother) who gave her strength be destroyed, the spell that keeps Vixen as a Supernatural Huntresses would be undone and they would revert back to the state she was prior to becoming a Huntress.
- Victim Connection: Supernatural Huntresses are connected to the ones they killed using the Darius Stone Sword or the Phoenix Stone Sword and are sometimes haunted by them; their minds.
- The Sword of Alexandria: The Sword of Alexandria was created by Alexandria Salvatore and was passed down throughout the Salvatore bloodline until it fell into the hands of a Salvatore-Salter mix. From then on it has been within the Salter Families possession and it was eventually passed down to Vixen's mother who gave it to Vixen. Vixen uses the magical weapon in order to kill her supernatural targets.
First Name[]
The name Vixen refers to the animal known as a Fox.
The Old English name Salter refers to a maker of salt.
- Vixen is amongst the youngest of Supernatural Huntresses to become one.
- Samara Gilbert has killed Vixen before (via decapitation)
- Currently Vixen attends The Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted.
- Vixen's mother and 8 shamans gave Vixen her power.
- Vixen Salter was born in May 19, 2013.