Vampire Diaries Fanon Wiki

"I'm not the same me anymore.. Xanthe. So if you came back wishing to have some fun, i'm gonna let you know now. I've changed, and for the better."
Darius to Xanthe

Xanthe (/ˈzænθiː/; Greek: Ξανθή) is the daughter of Phoebe and sister to Katina. Without her the Vampire Darius Salvatore wouldn't be able to become the world's first Preeminent Vampire.

Early Life[]

Growing up Xanthe would live a quite hard life. At a young age her parents instilled a powerful sense of discipline within her, teaching her to respect others. Due to a war that struck out between two villages (over a land dispute) Xanthe would be forced into war and would kill every single person who was foolish enough to fight her. She soon became feared throughout the land due to her fearsome tactics in combat, her relentlessness, and her bravery in battle. Xanthe was born circa 4,500 BC April 4th in Scythia (modern-day Iran and Eastern Europe). Her mother died when she was young, with Xanthe mentioning to villagers that she had sisters whose faces she couldn't even remember. After her mother's death, she was honed into t

he warrior.After hundreds of years, it is said that she left her position in an effort to lose the loneliness she felt due to her immortality.

Obtaining Immortality[]

After she had started to fall ill from an Unknown Disease at the time she would learn of a way to become Immortal, via the usage of The Immortality Spell. In a hopes to not ruin her prestigious image she would hide the fact that she had became weak from sickness. After having the spell performed and being imbued with power of Immortality Xanthe would heal from her sickness. She would soon start to become praised as a Goddess after this point, and was revered as an unkillable war hero. After hundreds of years, she left her position in an effort to lose the loneliness she felt due to her immortality.It was after this time that she met Noriko (Quynh) and Lykon, and much later, Yusuf (Joe) and Nicolo (Nicky), all of whom were also immortal. 

After multiple years of fighting wars and different causes she would hang up her name as a warrior and would distance herself from humanity, before ultimately leaving to go to a developing country known as Greece. 

Creating A New Species[]

Because she had a weakened version of the perfected immortality spell, after a long time she would start to become weaker and weaker. Realizing this she would start to be unable to deal with the constant outburst of a new group of werewolves that terrorized the locals. Multiple centuries had passed (seven) when she would go on to imbue the vampire Darius Salvatore with tremendous and ultimate power in order to kill all of the werewolves that infested Ancient Greece. Xanthe would almost die doing this spell (alongside 17 other witches) and would leave her semi-frail for a  long period of time. Xanthe would then use a spell after this to go into a hibernated-like state.  

Personality []

Xanthe is a passionate, independent, and loving person who is used to taking on loneliness all by herself. She is very tough on herself, blaming any mistakes made by her during a battle on herself, such as when her comrade was captured and held in a cage in an unknown location. This is in part due to the implied nature of their relationship, but also because she feels she left someone behind, which is against her beliefs, morals, and ideologies (ideals). She is known to have flings throughout history, but due to her immortality, has never had many lasting relationships. She is implied to have been close with Darius Salvatore (as she did give him tremendous power), potentially being previously in a romantic relationship with him . Xanthe has a good shot, and is fearsome with most weapons she handles. She is brutally efficient with her beloved labrys (axe) but is more than sufficient with shooting arrows and hand-to-hand combat. During a siege she was stated (by her teammates) that Xanthe has leant more ways to kill a man than most people ever know. She really likes baklava and knows the different types. It has gotten to the point that the rest of the Old Guard will bet on if she can guess ingredients in the baklava and where it's from. She is very, very good at this. baklava is a snack she is often seen eating, even if it's not native to the area. One such occasions was when she was retrieving shipping containment from Afghanistan.

Physical Appearance[]

An image of Xanthe in 4524 bc

An image of Xanthe in 4524 BC

Xanthe is 177cm tall (5'8"). She is thin but strong and muscled as a by-product of her former line of work. She has light, icy blue eyes and dark brown hair. Throughout different periods in history, she has styled her hair differently, but her hair (at time of hibernation) currently is styled in an uneven pixie cut with the right side being longer. Her clothing is often restricted by jobs and time periods, but she almost always is seen wearing her necklace. Without any constraints, Andromache's style can be described as "anything black." She wears almost exclusively black, including her lace-up boots. She likes to wear leather vambraces or covers of a sort.

Powers and Abilities[]

As a witch, Xanthe was powerful enough that Qetsiyah considered her to be within the 20 most powerful people in history. She proved to be a very powerful magic user as was shown when she transformed Darius Salvatore into an Original Preeminent Vampire. She also defeated her (Questiyah) in magical combat although it should be noted that she had a psychological hold over her at the time. She also performed other basic magical feats such as making flames appear on the tips of her fingers, liquefying a stranger's internal organs and trapping an Ancient Rakshasa, (one of the most powerful creatures in history) inside a cabin for a whole day. She is particularly gifted in telekinesis, using little to no effort while performing it.

Xanthe is knowledgeable in numerous spells, including the one used by modern day Travelers to resurrect someone from the Other Side and she was talented enough to create a spell for immortality.

As an immortal, Xanthe's mental abilities far surpass any vampire, including the Original vampires. She can make illusions that are so real that he convinced a Vampire that he was dying. She also can inflict pain upon others as when she made a Viking think that he was suffocating and made a Werewolf think that she was stabbed with an Axe. She also can make herself look like anyone such as when he appeared as a werewolf to disguise herself. Her compulsion far surpasses any other vampire and this is demonstrated when she compelled a mass of people at once without eye contact. Aside from these abilities, Xanthe demonstrated Super Strength on par with those of The Five and is thought to be completely indestructible.

Through the use of her powerful illusions she can be as strong and as fast as he wants his target to believe, Soldiers perceived her to be faster than them as they couldn't catch her with their own speed, and "felt" Xanthe's strength when she impaled them simultaneously with swords, while all this was in fact was an illusion, Klaus saw and experienced it as if it was real.


Xanthe formerly had most weaknesses of a witch but as an immortal she has the typical abilities of one.


Xanthe and Her Mother (Mother/Forgotten Relationship)

Xanthe and Her Sisters (Sisters/Forgotten Relationship)

Xanthe and Darius (Former Lovers/Close Relationships)

Xanthe and Silas (Friends/Decent Relationship)

Xanthe and Qetsiyah (Enemies/Bad Relationship)


  • Xanthe is Immortal.
  • Xanthe was a warrior and throughout time was praised as a Diety by many.
  • Xanthe had a child who was apparently Darius Salvatore's.
  • It shames Xanthe with regret that she fails to remember the faces of her sisters, child, and mother due to the fact that it's been so long since she had ever seem them.