Yashvi Venkatesh is one of the two original Witch-Rakshasa Hybrids with her twin brother Akshay Venkatesh being the other.
Yashvi is known for her cold and stoic demeanour, she's ruthless, as she would not hesitate to kill her enemies, she's also known to be relentless, unflappable, impatient refusing to impose her will after he speaks once and undeterred.
She considers concept such as honour to be the tools of a coward and will use any means necessary to accomplish her goals.
Early 2000s[]
Yashvi orchestrated the attack on Rajesh after noting his potential and used the Rakshasa Spell on him, however, Rajesh went into hiding after escaping from Yashvi and ordered her coven to find a way to track him down.
Yashvi arrived in Salem with the surviving members of the Rakshasa Coven with the intent on inducting Rajesh into the coven as well as the intent on putting down David for "betraying" the coven for getting himself turned back into a human and then becoming an Upgraded Supernatural Hunter. Annunciata was summoned by Aries to recover a piece of amber hidden in a Historic Home in exchange for Aries leading her to Rajesh. Despite failing to get the amber; Annunciata was able to kidnap Rajesh - where Yashvi tortures Rajesh for "defying" the coven for refusing induction.
After learning that David rescued Rajesh - Yashvi ordered her covens to kill Rajesh's family before getting Angelo to "recover" Rajesh.
A member of the Coven tracked Pádraig to Aries' apartment as they are fed up with him constantly helping David interfere with her plans. They managed to torture him with iron and a shamrock; after dropping Pádraig's guard Yashvi drove a Session Oak stake through the leprechaun's back killing him.
David proceeded to try to exact his revenge and managed to kill multiple hybrids as well as Anika Bhavsar. However, Yashvi managed to resist his attacks and sent him away.
In order to get her plan moving, she proceeded to ask Aries to bring one of the creatures she took from Malivore to help. Aries gave her a Mokujin which resembled a wooden samurai and gave her instructions on how it worked. Yashvi proceeded to give it the order to capture David and Rajesh but it ultimately failed as David was able to torch it using a lighter and hairspray.
Yashvi arrived at the scene to try to revive Angelo as a Vampire but was confronted by Aries. Aries disapproved of Yashvi's methods and stated that she was an annoying side chapter that needed to come to an end before bludgeoning her over the head with a brass ball - killing Yasvhi.
Powers and Abilities[]
Yashvi has the standard abilities of a Rakshasa-Witch Hybrid.
Yashvi has the typical weaknesses of a Rakshasa-Witch hybrid.
- Akshay Venkatesh (brother-sister/friends)
- Angelo Frascone (former lover/friends)
- Lucas Frascone (mother-son/friends)
- Anika Bhavsar (friends)
- Rajesh Tripathi (enemies)