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Zodiacs also known as Star Sprites, Celestial Zodiacs, and often mistakenly called Celestial Spirits are astrological Supernatural beings.


It is unknown how or what caused the creation of Zodiacs but each of the Celestial Zodiacs solemnly believes they've existed as long as their constellations which if is true - makes them the oldest beings in existence.

It was revealed by Mara in how the creation of Zodiacs was done. Chronos, Búri, and Ra gathered in year 2000 thanks to Chronos time abilities and gathered a number of objects. A Ram, Bull, Crab, Adoption, Lion, Goat, the hearts of twins, a fish, centaur, and a couple of humans. With the exception of the hearts each of the Creatures chosen were already corpses.

A shrine was created in a void where Titan and Elder Gods placed their blood in a ceremonial bowl followed by placing the Creatures at 10 points of the shrine with hearts added as the 11th item with a set of scales added as the 12th.

Chronos opened a portal which led to Mars allowing them to channel Mars to the ram, Earth to the bull, mercury to the hearts, the Moon to the crab, the sun to the Lion, Mercury to the the first human, Venus to the scales, Mars and Pluto to the Scorpion, Jupiter to the centaur, Saturn to the goat, Uranus and Saturn to the second human, and Neptune to the fish.

With a Zircon using to focus their power and blood; each subject proceeded to liquify and each were drawn to twelve ice sculptures. they were infused with liquid. The ice sculptures transformed into the 12 Zodiacs and infused with power a Titan and two elder gods.

Physical appearance[]

Each of the Zodiacs appears to have different features based on their sign but generally look either mixed race, caucasian, dark-skinned, or other.

Home Dimension[]

Each of the twelve Celestial Zodiacs resides in their own Pocket Dimension where the concept of time is irrelevant and thus Zodiacs don't naturally age. However, the atmosphere of the Zodiac Dimensions is lethal to Humans, Werewolves, Witches, and other living creatures while Vampires and other undead creatures will simply struggle to breathe the longer they remain. However, each Zodiac can alter their respective dimensions to accommodate others.

When a Zodiac is killed their Pocket Dimension is also destroyed and soul is sent to the True Zodiac Dimension.


Zodiacs are very powerful and the simple clash of magic between two Zodiacs while at half-strength can cause gale-force winds and small tremors which if the clash continues will eventually developed into a full-blown hurricane and even an Earthquake once they are near their full power.

Gemini often stresses that two Zodiacs should never battle one another at full power as such a battle could be devastating.

Powers and abilities[]

  • Super Strength - Zodiacs possess immense strength and can effortlessly overpower an Upgraded Original, a Tribrid, and even Malivore.
  • Teleportation - Zodiacs can teleport to any location they choose.
  • Celestial Event Manipulation - Zodiacs can cause Celestial Events such as equinoxes and solstices, eclipses, phases of the moon, supermoons, comet flybys, meteor showers, aphelions/perihelions, etc.
  • Restoration - Zodiacs can fully restore nearly anything including the White Oak tree or even cure the bite of a Werewolf or Upgraded Original, however, while they can return the flesh to a skeleton they cannot revive said corpse.
  • Magic - Zodiacs are capable of using magic. However, the magic of the Zodiac is on a whole other level than Witch or Fairy magic.
    • Nullification - Zodiacs can nullify almost any magical condition including the Gemini Coven's Merging ritual thus prevent twins from sacrificing one another.
    • Existence Recovery - Zodiacs can restore any being to existence even from realities and worlds that no longer existed as a result of Jinn's wish.
    • Molecular Combustion - A Zodiac is able to rip a person's body apart with the snap of their fingers.
  • Immortal - Zodiacs are immortal and cannot be killed by conventional means, however, they are not ageless.
  • Supernatural Perception - Zodiacs have a good eye for detecting things such as Vampires, Werewolves, and even Artificial Humans.
  • Temporal Immunity - Zodiacs are for the most part immune to most changes in Time. This can serve as a blessing and a curse as altering the timeline will not resurrect them, but it will also not alter their memories in anyway.


  • Magic - While they can't be killed outright by magic - they can be thwarted, trapped, and even harmed by magic.
  • Broken Neck - Similar to Vampires; snapping the neck of a Zodiac will simply but then in a death-like state.
  • Zircon - During the Dark Timeline and after the recreation of the timeline - Zircon were imbued with the ability to kill Zodiacs. However, it will cause them to explode similar to the effects of Leprechaun Gold, Zircon, and the Zodiac-killing Stake.
  • Primordial Bolt - A Primordial Bolt can be used to severely wound and temporarily restrict the movements of a Zodiac by impaling them, however, using it to blast them with a golden bolt of lightning will reduce them to a smoldering corpse without causing them to explode.

Former Weaknesses[]

  • Leprechaun Gold - The gold of a Leprechaun can kill a Zodiac. Prolonged exposure with their physical body is required and will slowly burn them until they are set ablaze. After destruction of the original multiverse and its subsequent recreation - Humanoid leprechauns were effectively erased and thus so was their gold.
  • Kiatero - The Mineral known as Kiatero will severely weaken a Zodiac. Even before it was fully created by Alexandria Salvatore, the mineral had been written about by Virgo, who commented on the fact, stating "such a mineral is sure to harm us". Furthermore, items made from Kiatero (i,e The Darius Stone Sword, The Sword of Alexandria, etc. Following the recreation of the Multiverse; Kiatero was no longer fatal or harmful to Zodiacs.
  • Zodiac-killing Stake - A White Oak Stake empowered by Gemini with the power to kill a Zodiac. Following the recreation of the Multiverse; the Zodiac-Killing stake was no longer fatal or harmful to Zodiacs. Due to major component of the stake being Kiatero it can no longer be made the same way.
  • Upgraded Supernatural Hunters - Due to spell that was used to create an Upgraded Supernatural Hunter - they cause the same effect as Leprechaun Gold albeit slower. Following the recreation of the Multiverse; the magic of Leprechaun no exist as a result - an Upgraded Supernatural Hunter is no longer fatal to Zodiacs.

Known Zodiacs[]

  • Aries - The loner and most cynical Zodiac of all. She believes that love and bonds are meaningless constructs as a result of living alone in her own dimension almost an eternity and tries to project her thoughts onto others.
  • Gemini - The twins are unique as they are both called Gemini and share the same dimension. Aries considers Gemini to be the polar opposite of her.
  • Cancer - Cancer is immoral and twisted - she cares little for the personal desires of others and believes that other should live as she was them to live regardless of their personal dreams and wishes.
  • Virgo - Virgo cares deeply about her family even her wayward sisters, going as far as warning her sisters that a weapon such as Kiatero exist that has the possibility to kill them. She is also sympathetic and positive, however, she can also be perverted and shy.
  • Aquarius - Aquarius as an easy-going and daring personality. She can also be tends to be overthink situations and cause her to jump to conclusions.
  • Capricorn
  • Taurus
  • Pisces
  • Scorpio
  • Libra
  • Sagittarius