Vampire Diaries Fanon Wiki

This article, Zodiac (Reboot), is property of Jack Jackson, and cannot be edited without his permission. This also extends to adding categories as the article creator may be editing at the given time. Please contact the article creator for collaborations..

Zodiac are extra-dimensional Divine supernatural beings.


The existence of the Zodiac dates back to the 2nd Millennium BC when their names was coined in Babylon by Humanity, however, they appear to be older than that.


Sometime during the 2nd Millennium BC, the twelve Zodiacs first arrived on Earth in which they met the inhabitants of Babylon in which Cancer betrayed the other Zodiacs by helping the Babylonians develop an entire religion surrounding the Zodiacs.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Divine Blood: Zodiacs possess Divine Blood which prevents all magic aside from God or Zodiac Magic from holding them.
    • Zodiac Magic: Zodiacs possess an unparalleled level of magic that surpasses even Witch magic.
  • Invincibility: Zodiacs possess a durability that rival Gods and far exceeding supernatural beings.
  • Super Strength: Zodiacs possess a strength that rival the strength of Gods and far exceeding supernatural beings.
  • Longevity: Zodiacs have an exceedingly long lifespan that appears to have no end.
  • Mental Manipulation: Zodiacs have a level of mental manipulation that is like no other surpassing even Sirens and Psychics. Cancer was able to manipulate the minds of Massachusites to try to force David into embracing his nature as a Rakshasa.
  • Healing: Zodiacs can heal themselves from a number of injuries and wounds afflicted upon them.
  • Fission: Gemini has the ability to separate herself into two separate entities and merge back into one.


  • God & Zodiac Magic: Zodiac Magic can harm and even be used to trap other Zodiacs.
  • Vulnerability: Zodiacs can be harmed and wounded despite being invincibility by other creatures but no attack will be fatal from non-Gods or non-Zodiacs.
  • Smilodon Canine Tooth: Zodiacs seemed to be able to be subdued and placed in a death-like state after being stabbed in the neck, and as long as the tooth remains in their neck - they'll remain in the death-like state.

